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How to prevent injuries in Pickleball

Aug 31, 2024

One of the issues in pickleball is injuries. The following is how to prevent injuries:

  • Do not run backwards. This is a common fault, you missed the ball, it sailed over your head but you feel you can still get it. Back-pedaling is not the way to do it. Turn, catch up to the ball, turn again, set your feet and stroke the ball.
  • Warm up before playing by using the motions and strokes you would in the game. That will stretch the right muscles for play.
  • Play at your level. Playing with much stronger players makes you want to move and hit just like they do. Be calm and patient. Playing with much weaker players leads to a lack of concentration. Compensate by asking if they are open to friendly advice and offer just that, not too much, just enough to make them (and you) enjoy the game.

Pickleball also prevents injuries by contributing to your exercise level. Your muscles get toned up and stronger, your bones absorb more calcium and become less brittle. 

With a bit of common sense you will add to your enjoyment of life and become healthier.



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