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Kayak – best inflatable kayak

Aug 28, 2024


This is an example of an item on Amazon that we bought, modified and used very successfully and pleasurably (the link to it is on the picture and on the header above). We were looking for the best inflatable kayak at a reasonable price and found it. Click the title to take you to the Amazon page for it.

After some research we came upon this kayak. It seemed large enough and very sturdy. Not only that but this best inflatable kayak had room in it to make a frame to hold a small motor. Sure saved on physical energy. We could go much further in our fishing trips on the lake, not to say just exploring fun.

The link below is to a YouTube video that we used to modify it to use a trolling motor.

Build an internal frame for it

The kids loved it, quiet and peacefull. It is truly our best inflatable kayak.

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Disclosure: The recommendations on these page are my own based on experience and use. I may earn a small commission from web hosts and other partners if you use the referral link to make a purchase. That’s what helps keep the site alive with fresh content, Thanks for your support.


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